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Thresholds of Limitations 

Installation- Interactive Dowel Sculpture (base 4.5m x 2.4m)

This installation explored the organic changes that occur both physically and emotionally when moving between thresholds. I felt the term threshold encompassed the intangible responses that occur when going from one place to another, rather than merely a boundary, and I recognised that this interaction differs from person to person. 


The unique actions of people within the frames are emblematic of the unique experience everyone feels in life. There are limitations and freedoms that vary for each individual, and the tunnel or cage like structure of the frames demonstrated the contrasting nature of these prospects. It is the desire to connect with a space that informs the space and the shadows enhancing and interacting with the minimalist timber framework evoked this. The interaction with my work displayed the human need to connect to one another and to the environment- hoping to identify with the human desire to feel a sense of belonging.


The use of dowel and modular forms made it reconfigurable- to further allow for the shaping of different journeys through the space. The shadows would change and the routes would differ between installations. 

Documenting the interactions with the frames through the installation - 1:50 plan 

Observing how the shadows reshape and redefine the structure over time

An early maquette explores how framing and boundaries connect spaces, body and place

A maquette from the same framing and boundaries project, this sculpture explores ideas of tension and connection.

© 2021 by Tallulah Bannerman | Lula Campbell Creatives.

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